About US


The improve the life quality of vulnerable people through sustainable development and ensure timely humanitarian assistance in need. Helps the poor, poorest, and vulnerable  people to have a better life by providing support in  the agriculture, health education, and creation of job, Human Rights Education and Peace Building.


“SACH” wants to see the society well developed in the economic, social field, and without injustice. we aspire to be a dynamic organization working towards the creation of a just and caring society.

The Aims and Objectives:

  • To develop better co-ordination, collaboration, joint  participation, relations and understanding amongst various constituents of the rural sector for promoting welfare of the rural masses by eradicating thirst, hunger, illiteracy, disease, poverty and by providing shelter and employment.
  • To carry out various  child development projects to provide opportunities for the proper development of children. Also to implement various schemes relating to family welfare, nutritious food, primary education, health, entertainment etc, for the intellectual, psychological and physical development of the children;
  • To arrange meetings, conferences and training programs/workshop for creating awareness and spreading knowledge about the safe drinking water
  • To work for the overall development of Rural Areas.
  • Take measure to improve drinking water, canal, water courses, wells, and tanks.
  • carry out surveys, mapping, collection of data, its compilation and publication and preparation of reports of all types.
  • To work for the rehabilitation of the incapacitated and disabled men, women and Children